Sunday, 5 January 2014

Thank you 2013

Thank you 2013

Thank you for the coffees, the teas and the LHGs
The hugs, kisses, new love and old friends
For the new friends, places and faces
For the boardgames, pool, dinners and laughs
For midnights shared, beaches walked and tears cried
For turbo touch, drinking games and sober drivers
For writing stories, poetry and finding thoughts on a windswept beach
For pot-lucks, brownies, crazy dancing
For music, spoken word, and more
For cuddles, intense talks and nose-kisses from Monkey
For gentle touches, firm hands and secrets
For the love I can share, the love I see and the hope I've found
For kind words, supportive actions and kicks up the ass
For trust, respect, faith and presence
For you, for him, for them, for her
Thank you.

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