Which lead me to this...
What if I stopped worrying about whether people notice the size of my bum, hips, boobs? Or count my chins when I smile? What if I accept that what people do notice is my smile, my kindness, my generosity? That I have the ability to brighten their day by laughing or noticing something cool/good/pretty/unique about them and telling them that I notice them.
What if I stop worrying about what people think of me when I speak my mind - all the weirdly visual language and poetic stuff that I usually filter? What if I just say it? So what if people think I'm odd? I'd rather be odd than exactly like everyone else!
What if I stop worrying about fitting into the mould of the "normal woman" and realise that any one who loves me "despite" my weight isn't worth loving back. Whether that love is platonic or romantic - I am more than my body. As is a slight person or someone with a disability... We are not our bodies - we are our souls and our hearts.
What if I stop worrying about change? What if I take it on as a challenge to grow to be more than I am now, more than I was seven months ago? A challenge to become myself. Truly myself? The person some people can already see and know and love?

This is exactly the sort of thing I think about. It's hard not to worry what other people think but in the end you have to do what makes you happy! Id rather filter out people who don't 'get' me than the thoughts in my head! Be true to yourself and let us know how you get on!
ReplyDeleteCyndi I believe the true beauty of a person is shown through their personality
ReplyDeleteas I only ever met you once and consider you a beautiful person
i believe it is because I have gotten to know you through your inner beauty
through your words that come from within on to the screen
dont worry what others think
be your loving kind caring self
also and youve probably heard this from me before - its my favourite saying after all :)
being normal is highly over rated
embrace what makes you you
your a wonderful person
Jen xoxox
What lovely words. Something I think we have all pondered on in our time. As I have gotten older I think self-acceptance has become slightly easier - although I'm still very far from that Holy Grail! Your blog looks lovely and I'll be popping back. Found you at #Prose4T xx
ReplyDeleteThis is a rally cry of truth! Yes What if indeed! Life is so short and precious, we should worry less and love more.
ReplyDelete'We are our souls and hearts' - gosh that's beautiful and so very true x
ReplyDeleteAll of these what ifs ring so very true with me. Although as I've gotten older I have far fewer what ifs and a lot more so what's! Not in a mean spirited way of course! Thank you for linking up again :) x