Tuesday, 21 May 2013

#30DaysChallenge Day 22

Mriceguy ran into one of the many walls that surround writers and found a website to help with "triggers" for his writing. I joined up and am really grateful for the trigger today. It's gotten to 5pm and I feel like curling up in the corner. Being "on" all day in a public facing role has its drawbacks.

So thank you Typetrigger for your 6 hourly triggers...

Bitter End
When it comes down to it, all that is left at the bitter end is you and me.
It doesn't matter what we had or who we were; at the bitter end it is just you and me.
It doesn't matter where we were nor whom we were with; at the bitter end it is just you and me.
It doesn't matter who you kissed nor who I loved more; at the bitter end it just you and me.
It doesn't matter who did more and who did less; at the bitter end it is just you and me.
It doesn't matter who was lost nor who was found; at the bitter end it is just me and you.
It doesn't matter who you became or who I lost; at the bitter end it is just me and you.
At the bitter end -- when it is all over -- it is just me.

And you.

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx