Saturday, 27 October 2012

The past week...

The past week I have had more downs than ups. I have been engulfed by life, I have been living with the consequences of another's choices and I am dealing with it the best way I can. I won't be going into details on here about what has happened or why they happened. I am trying, now, to focus on what I am learning about myself.

Before you ask - yes, I am ok. Monkey is ok. Captain Awesome is ok. We're just adjusting to the new norms and I am resorting to cryptic tweets, FB statuses and blog posts with odd music choices to help me cope. I have an amazing network of friends around the world and have taken up all practical offers of help. And yes I am being gentle on myself.

Part of being gentle involves cutting back on being too involved online, so if I don't reply or visit too often, just know I am ok and I will be back very soon.


  1. Take care of yourself. I hope things improve.

  2. Look after yourself and know there are plenty of us here to just be a listening/reading post and ask no questions xxx


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I try to reply to as many as I can either here or by email. <3 LJx