Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~Leo Buscaglia
I have been involved with The Sisterhood's Love Bombs and am really proud of Sophie and all the wonderful women who have joined in.
For me, being part of The Sisterhood is like being part of a club. A club whose members have realised that by combining our efforts we can make more of a difference than waiting until we can afford to make a difference on our own. It means that we can nominate people that we know or know of who, that deserve a boost or a pat on the back.
I think that sadly, the kindness of strangers is, sometimes, the only kindness people easily recognise and accept without doubt and self-reproach. I love that I can make a little difference in someone's life without them ever having to "pay me back". Seeing the photographs of what was sent gives me a warm fuzzy knowing that even if I can only send a little something, it all adds up.
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. ~James Matthew BarrieLast week when The Sisterhood hit the local news sites, I promoted it to our local paper. My exact train of though was -
"the more people who know,the more people will donate and join in and then more people can get that special something in the mail."And I naively thought that they would contact Sophie and talk to her as she's the founder of it. That I would be able to read about it in our local paper and know that more women were being given an opportunity to join in or be nominated by their community.
Are you interested? Have a look at The Sisterhood on Facebook and join women from around New Zealand and the world who are trying to make a difference in someone's life.
You are a local star!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for being one of our loudest cheerleaders! And I LOVE these quotes by people I don't know, they were definitely on to something. xx
It sounds like a fab place to be involved with. I can't believe I have never heard of it before now? Good on you for getting out there and letting people know. Popping over to Facebook to have a look now!
ReplyDeleteI think this is amazing, what an amazing group to belong to, love Posie
ReplyDeleteI understand having to drop your alias, I had to for "Quilts for Christchurch" but sometimes we have to for a good cause
ReplyDeleteGo you xxxx